Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I had everything all planned out...

When I was a little girl, I had my adult life all planned out.  My plan was nearly identical to most little girls' plans for the future.  And it was of course idyllic:

  • Go to college
  • Get married
  • Have a family
  • Live happily ever after

Simple!  It was a great plan!  I was so naive!

I have fundamentally checked all those items off my childhood list for adulthood.  

  • Go to college - check.  In fact I went to two different schools (well, actually 3, if I'm going to be technical.  But I don't usually count a one semester stint when I transferred for a boy, then went back to the school I had been attending.)  I even got a degree (well, two actually, but I haven't gone further than undergraduate studies).
  • Get Married - check.  We met while in college.  The circumstantial details are a little more involved; my husband likes that version of the story best.  I like to say we met in college; it's true and less complicated.  This year is our 15th anniversary.
  • Have a family - check.  We have four beautiful, enjoyable, infuriating, funny, messy, loud, amazing, crazy, smart, sassy, independent, wonderful children.  Check.  Check.  Check.  Check.
  • Live happily ever after - check.  Sort of.  On a really good day.  If I'm going to be honest with myself, I have to admit that my life is pretty great.  It's not perfect, no one's is, but we have the basics covered.  We are free from major illness or debilitations, my husband has a good and steady job, we have a comfortable home and lifestyle.  What more could we want?

This description of my childhood dreams and my current reality is all a little sugar coated.  Of course I have good days and not as good days.  I have struggles and challenges, many struggles and challenges.  I also have strengths and talents, many strengths and talents.  There are not many guarantees about anything in life.  But life isn't supposed to be too easy.  And it's not.  We have had our share of trials and difficulties and heartaches.  We have also had joy and triumphs, and amazing blessings too.

This is one place I want to document some of those twists and turns, bumps and dips in the road of life that my idyllic childhood dream could never see coming.  There have been many, and I'm sure many more to come.

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